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Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Trials in Life, Avoiding Scripture Ninjas, and How God WILL Give Us More Than We Can Handle

I read this blog post today, called "God Will Give You More Than You Can Handle: I Guarantee It". It's about suffering and trial and a misunderstanding of Scripture.

It really sparked some thoughts I want to share. Make some time to read this blog linked to above and think through it when you can. Very true words here for those of you who are suffering.

Often, well meaning but misguided Christians remind suffering folks that "you won't be given more than you can handle". Many times they unintentionally but flippantly "throw" bible verses at us when we're hurting. I like to think of them as "Scripture Ninjas". These people likely have not walked through painful seasons of trial in their lives. They don't mean to offend and likely don't realize they're offering a band-aid to a hemorrhaging soul. In a way, I'm glad for them, if they haven't had to hurt in that deep way.

But for those of us who ARE or who HAVE faced truly painful, ongoing trials, the author here correctly point out that He often gives us more than we can handle. We need to do all we can to give those burdens to the Lord and ask Him (and others who love us) to help us carry the load until the trial has ended. If you or your family is in a season of trial as well, let this remind you that you are NOT alone. He is here to carry this burden alongside you. Others around you (even if you don't know it) are also suffering and share the knowledge of going through trials.

I heard a great quote the other day:

"God won't protect us from anything that will ultimately make us ore like Jesus."

Fellow believers, if you're not facing such a trial, do your part to encourage others when they are burdened and suffering. If you can't relate or don't have words, remain silent and don't try to "fix" the person's hurt. Often a smile or a hug, or just your presence, are all that is required.

And for those who are struggling, burdened, suffering, and feel like God has slain them in their season of trial - God will never leave you or forsake You. Ask him over and over to remove your burden, doing your best to trust His purposes for your life.

May we all come out more refined on the other side.

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